Showing posts with label FINANCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FINANCE. Show all posts
Professional Tips on How to Save $4000 in a Year and Grow your Savings

Professional Tips on How to Save $4000 in a Year and Grow your Savings

Do you live from paycheck to paycheck, use credit cards to keep up with your bills, and feel that you cannot afford to buy anything you want?

Feeling that you don’t make enough money to save anything is a sign that you would benefit from taking a proactive approach to saving. Having a savings account will bring you peace of mind and help you manage your finances more efficiently.

It will also help you spend less money on your living expenses because, when a financial emergency arises, you won’t have to borrow the funds to cover the crisis and then pay them back with interest.

Saving money could also allow you to take a well-deserved vacation, put together a down payment for your dream home, or buy a new car.

Regardless of what you need money for, you can save up enough if you make a few changes to the way you handle your finances. You might think that the only way to save up money is to make sacrifices.

Not even close! Saving money doesn’t have to be hard. You can still have an enjoyable lifestyle when you’re putting money away. The key to saving money is to be smart about your finances.

In this action guide, you’ll discover how to save a few dollars each day. The changes may look insignificant, but small savings add up!

Following these tips will help you save $4,000 in a year. Sooner than you think, you’ll have a hefty savings account and find even more ways to save money as you get the hang of it!

Step 1: Take Control!

Budgeting and money management don’t have to be complicated. You just have to find a system that works for you, and these tools will make managing your finances a lot easier.

Track Your Habits

Tracking your spending habits can take a while because you’ll want to see where your money goes for at least a month.

The immediate benefit of tracking your spending is to identify the recurring expenses that you could easily avoid.

You could save from $3 to $15 a day depending on your habits:

1. Do you pick up a cup of coffee on the way to work?

Make coffee at home and buy a travel mug.

You could easily save $3 or $4 a day.

2. Do you only read a few articles from each daily newspaper or magazine you purchase?

Look up the free versions of these publications online and save $4 or $5 a day.

3. Do you buy fast food every day for lunch or to feed your family?

Feeding a family of four at McDonald’s costs at least $10 to $15 if you choose the most affordable menu items.

You could easily save this money by buying groceries and cooking meals in advance.

Try these tools to get an idea of where your money goes and to easily identify expenses that you can avoid:

1. Mint is a free app that tracks what you earn and spend.

This app organizes your expenses into different categories so you can get an idea of how much you spend on groceries, clothes, entertainment, and more.

2. BudgetSimple is another free tool that tracks your expenses.

This tool is especially useful because it automatically generates suggestions to show you where you could cut down on spending.

Establish a Budget

Once you’ve tracked your spending to see where your money goes, you can create a customized budget that works well for you.

The key to creating a budget that works for you is to find a method you like using. There are many online tools designed to create a budget that corresponds to your needs. These apps require you to enter your income and link your bank accounts to automatically track your expenses for you:

1. You Need A Budget, also known as YNAB, is one of the most popular budgeting apps.

This free tool organizes your expenses by categories, helps you put money aside, and generates a budget based on your current expenses.

Then You Need A Budget website reports that people using this tool started saving an additional $200 a month on average.

2. Pocket Expense and BudgetSimple are tools similar to YNAB.

The main features are the same but you might find that the interfaces of these tools are more convenient.

If you’re not a fan of tools that automatically create budgets for you, there are some apps you can use to manually allocate where your money goes.

This approach is inspired by the old practice of placing cash in different envelopes. GoodBudget and Mvelopes are two good online apps that make it easy to create a budget in this way. Budgeting is definitely worth it, and these 21st-century tools make budgeting easier than it has ever been.

Sticking to Your Budget

Establishing a budget is the easy part. Spending accordingly can be more difficult.

Following these three rules will help you stick to your budget and save $200 a month or more:

1. Assess how much you need to cover all your recurring expenses.

Put enough money aside as soon as you receive your paycheck.

An app like Mvelopes or other online tools can help you allocate these funds.

Your bank may even provide a tool in their online banking app.

2. The money that is left after you cover all your expenses is not for splurging!

Spend a reasonable amount on things you love because you worked hard and deserve a reward, but it’s important to make saving some of this money a priority.

3. Use Level Money or a similar app to keep your spending under control on a daily basis. This app shows you how much money you can spend over the month, week, or day.

Get into the habit of checking this app whenever you feel like buying something you don’t really need to decide whether or not you can afford to splurge.

Sticking to a budget requires discipline, but you can still live comfortably even while living frugally.

Follow these rules to ensure you pay important bills and avoid spending too much on impulse purchases. Establishing a budget that works for you and sticking to it could help you save $200 a month, or $2,400 a year!

Step 2: Don’t Let Financial Institutions Charge You For Their Services 

Avoiding Banking Fees

How much do you spend on banking fees?

Banking fees can seem trivial, but these expenses add up over time.

There is no need to pay for these fees when free options are available.

If your bank is currently charging a monthly fee for their services, find out why.

In most cases, banks will charge you a monthly fee only if your average balance is under a certain number if you don’t make enough transactions or don’t receive enough via direct deposit to qualify for a free account.

The average monthly cost of a checking account is $7 at a bank and $2 at a credit union.

Opting for a free alternative could help you save $84 or $24 a year.

If you cannot avoid a monthly fee at your bank, get a free checking account elsewhere. Some banks will even offer a signup bonus when you open a new account!

If you cannot find a free account that corresponds to your needs or would rather not open a new bank account, a good option is a service offered by American Express called Bluebird.

Bluebird gives you the possibility to receive direct deposits and use the money to pay bills, withdraw money from an ATM, or write checks without paying any fees.

Overdraft protection is the only service you should be paying for if your bank doesn’t offer free overdraft protection.

Did you know that the average American spends an average of $225 a year in overdraft fees?

This money could be easily saved by taking a few minutes to sign up for this service.

Avoiding Payment Processing Fees

How do you pay your utilities and other bills? Depending on the payment method you use, you might be wasting money on payment processing fees.

Even if these fees are only $2 or $3 for each transaction, this is money you could be saving. On a yearly basis, you could be paying around $100 a year in such fees. Follow these tips to avoid payment processing fees:

1. Use online banking to schedule automated payments directly from your bank account.

This way, you can avoid paying the fee most utility and insurance companies charge you when you pay with a card. Automated payments are also a good way to avoid paying late fees.

2. Always compare your payment options and ask about fees.

Scheduling automated payments from your bank might not be the best solution for all your bills.

For example, insurance companies often charge a monthly fee to process your payment regardless of how you pay your premiums.

Consider paying your insurance premiums in one lump sum on a yearly basis to avoid paying this fee.

Avoiding Credit Card Interest and Late Fees

Do you use credit cards for bills or daily expenses?

Take a look at your account to get an idea of how much you spend on interest and other fees. If you feel that your credit cards are costing you too much, contact the company and ask them to reduce your fees, or shop around for a better option.

Transferring your balance to a different card can be a good option if you qualify for a lower APR or for a card that doesn’t compound your interest on a daily basis.

It’s important to understand how interest is calculated on your credit card accounts. Most cards compound interest daily and use your average daily balance.

This means carrying a higher balance will result in higher fees.

You can easily avoid this by making a higher payment than usual if you make a large purchase with your credit card.

Use these strategies to reduce the amount of money you spend on credit card fees:

1. Always pay more than the minimum monthly payment.

Each payment goes towards the interest first, then towards the balance on the account. If you only make the minimum payment, your payment will cover the interest, but will not lower your balance by much.

Making larger payments will help you pay off your balance more quickly and eliminate having to pay as much interest.

The best method to avoid interest is to pay your entire balance each month. So whatever you charge in a month, pay it off that same month.

2. Schedule automated monthly payments to avoid late fees.

Most credit card providers also provide you with an online tool you can use to check your balance and make payments.

You could save roughly $350 a year by avoiding banking fees, overdraft fees, and payment processing fees!

Step 3: Become a Smart Shopper

The best approach to smart shopping depends on how you and your family live, how much time you can spend on shopping and cooking, and on what you enjoy.

Try different strategies to figure out what works for you and your family. Adopt these simple habits to save on groceries and other household expenses:

1. Use coupons and discounts to save on items you would usually buy.

You’ve probably seen couponing TV shows or websites where people save hundreds of dollars each week with coupons.

The truth is that this type of extreme couponing is incredibly time-consuming and tedious. Follow these tips to save money with coupons without any hard work:

The golden rule of couponing is to never purchase an item just because you have a coupon.

Rather than saving a few dollars or cents, you’re spending to buy an item you would otherwise not buy.

Subscribe to the newsletter, mailing list, or download the app of the grocery stores where you usually shop. Check these sources on a weekly basis to look for items on sale and clip coupons for items you usually buy.

Avoid spending hours looking for online coupons or going through hundreds of paper ads.

Download apps to automatically look for coupons instead.

Grocery IQ is an excellent choice if you use a grocery list since this app will automatically look for coupons for the items you intend to buy anyway.

You can also use The Coupons App to scan barcodes on products and look for coupons or to find all the deals offered at any nearby stores.

2. Plan your meals ahead of time and make grocery lists.

These simple habits will help you stick to a budget every time you go to the grocery store and could also help you adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Apps like Pepperplate, Ziplist, or Plan to Eat helps you find new recipes, save the ones you like, plan your meals for the entire week, and automatically create grocery lists for you. Use to find simple recipes based on the ingredients you have at home.

This could become your go-to solution whenever you’re about to take your family to a fast food restaurant because you’re low on groceries. If you’re short on time to cook during the week, set aside some time during the weekends to make large 
quantities of your family’s favorite foods and freeze meal-size portions.

This works great for chili, casseroles, and other dishes. You’ll have easy lunches and dinners to just heat and eat throughout the week. Eating out is fun! You don’t have to completely eliminate this expense.

Determine a reasonable budget for taking your family to their favorite restaurant once a week.

3. Shop at several locations.

Try different grocery stores to determine which one has the best prices or selection.

Find several alternatives for your regular household items.

Go to the grocery store once a week to buy items such as fresh produce, dairy products, meat, and nonperishable items. Look at the per-unit price or check the quantities or weight to determine which products are the best values.

Stock up on discounted items only if you will use them in your meal plans. Visit the dollar store once a month.

Stock up on dish soap, cleaning products, sponges, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, glassware, school supplies, and wrapping paper.

You would normally pay between $2 and $4 for these different items at a grocery store, so going to a dollar store for some bulk shopping is worth it.

Shop online for household items and nonperishable items.

You will get access to a wider selection and have the option of buying large quantities at discounted prices.

Consider getting an Amazon Prime membership to get free shipping and lower prices on some household items.

Buy used items from online auctions, online consignment stores, or local thrift shops. This is a great way to save on clothes, toys, electronics, and décor items for your home.

You can even find used furniture on sites like Craigslist. Shopping for clothes at eBay, Goodwill, or online consignment stores could help you cut your clothing budget in half!

If you have children, this strategy could save you a lot of money. Plan in advance before making big purchases such as a new TV, computer, or video game console. This will give you time to put money aside and compare your options.

You might want to wait for Black Friday or Cyber Monday to get low prices on these items if you don’t want to buy them used.

Gas is another recurring expense.

Gas prices vary a lot and it’s difficult to determine the best time to gas up. Try using an app called GasBuddy to track and compare gas prices at different gas stations in your area.

The amount you can save by being a smart shopper really depends on your needs, how many people you’re shopping for, and how much time you can afford to spend on comparison shopping.

Step 4: Get Rid of Unnecessary Expenses and Spend More on Things That Matter

You could save a lot by eliminating some unnecessary expenses. Consider these examples:

1. Reduce your cell phone bill.

Try these tips:

Shop for a family plan if you need more than one line.

Cancel your contract and switch to a service that will bill you only for what you use. This could help you cut down your phone bill to $20 or $30 a month if you don’t use it a lot.

You may have a landline bundled with your internet service. Use this line, instead of your cell phone, whenever you’re at home.

Wait until you are home and can use your own Wifi network if you need to go online and don’t have unlimited data on your phone.

Shop around for an affordable Smartphone. Your own provider might not have the best price.

2. Cut down your cable bill.

There are more affordable options to watch TV. The downside is that you’ll get fewer channels or shows to choose from.

Buy an antenna to watch TV for free over VHF and UHF signals and try different online streaming services to determine if these could be a good alternative for you. Exploring alternatives is worth it since the average monthly cable bill is $64.

3. Save on your entertainment costs.

You can save a lot by taking your family for a bike ride or by organizing a football game in the backyard instead of taking them to the movies or the arcade.

There are plenty of free things to do that will help everyone get more exercise and have a great time!

4. Avoid anything that is individually packaged.

Buy food items in bulk and make your own snacks and to-go meals instead of stopping at a fast-food restaurant, gas station, or coffee shop.

5. Think twice about buying a name brand.

Spending more to get a name-brand product is worth it if the product meets high-quality standards and will last longer or work better. 
However, spending more to get name-brand items that are not any different from cheaper options is a waste of money.

On the other hand, there might be some things you are not spending enough on, which results in more expenses in the long-term.

Consider these examples:

1. Health insurance.

Purchasing more coverage could help you save in the long-term.

Raising your premiums to get a lower deductible and co-pay is worth it if your family visits the doctor a lot.

2. Car maintenance.

Repairs and preventative maintenance can go a long way towards lengthening the longevity of your vehicle.

Learn how to do an oil change and perform other simple maintenance and repair tasks to save money.

3. Home maintenance.

Investing in new window panes, better insulation panels, and newer appliances could lower what you spend on utilities.

If you’re renting, talk to your landlord about making a few improvements to help lower your bills.

4. Quality products.

Some products such as tools, razors, cookware, or furniture will last longer if you purchase slightly more expensive products from well-known brands.

5. Organization products.

Keeping your pantry and household supplies organized will prevent you from purchasing items you already have.

Spending money on items that will help you get rid of an expensive bad habit or that will help you track your finances can save you lots of money.

You could save $64 a month by ditching cable and at least $20 a month by looking for a more affordable phone service provider, which roughly translates to $1,000 a year!

Step 5: Trick Yourself Into Saving

All the tips you have read so far will help you reduce expenses.

However, you will not actually save money until you transfer it into a savings account. Saving is a lot easier if you make it a habit and set up automatic savings systems. Follow these tips to put money aside without any stress:

1. Try an app like Digit.

This tool automatically takes money from your bank account and puts it aside.

You choose the amount you would like to save each week.

This is perfect if you’re busy and don’t even want to think about putting money into a savings account.

2. Schedule automated transfers from your bank account to a savings account.

If you would rather not trust a tool like Digit with your information, you can always use your bank’s online platform to schedule an automated weekly

transfer to your savings account.

3. Identify your two or three most expensive habits and get rid of them.

This could be smoking, going to Starbucks, buying some snacks, or spending money to get extra lives in Candy Crush Saga.

Put the money you would normally spend on these things into a savings account.

4. Make saving money a game!

Set some weekly or monthly goals and reward yourself when you reach these goals. Using Digit or another system to put $5 aside every week means you would end up with $260 in a savings account by the end of the year!

As we mentioned earlier, it can be helpful to have a specific goal in mind when you’re setting up a plan to save money fast. Sometimes this goal can be as big as getting married or buying a house; other times, it can be smaller in scope.
What Does Financing a Car Mean and How Does It Work

What Does Financing a Car Mean and How Does It Work

Financing a car means taking out a car loan that you repay over time or it means you are taking out a loan from a financial institution or vehicle dealership that you pay back at a given interest rate over time. When you take out a car loan, you agree to pay back the amount you borrowed, plus interest and any fees, within a set period of time. Shopping around and comparing loan offers could save you significant money in interest and fees.

Sometimes it seems like buying a car is a Catch-22 situation: You need money to buy a car but you need a car to get to work so you can earn money to buy one.

That’s why financing a car taking out a loan to pay for a car is common. You can think of a car loan as its own separate purchase it comes with a cost, which you pay through any interest and fees the lender may charge.

In this article, we’ll define what financing a car means, how it works, the smartest way to go about it, and whether vehicle financing is a good idea. The options for getting financing for a car along with any requirements will also be discussed. We’ve researched and compiled the top auto loan companies so you can compare vehicle financing options should you decide to get one.

Let’s take a look at how car financing works, how your credit can affect your loan terms and what to think about when trying to decide if financing a car is a good idea for you.

How Does Financing a Car Work?

“Financing a car” involves buying a vehicle with a loan rather than paying the full cost upfront. Over an agreed amount of time, you pay back the principal or the value of the car through monthly installments along with any fees and interest. Together the interest and fees you pay when financing a car make up the finance charge, which is the cost of taking out the loan.

The amount you pay monthly is determined by the value of your vehicle minus the money you put down, the given APR, and the loan term. Your APR makes up the interest payments and fees and is the main contributing factor to the price of your loan. Primarily your credit score influences the interest rate you get but other factors such as the age of the vehicle also help determine this.

If you plan to finance a car, you’ll need to shop and apply for a car loan. If you’re approved, you’ll make monthly payments until the loan is paid off. Each payment you make will be split into the following two parts: The principal payment, which goes toward paying back your loan balance
The interest payment, which pays interest due

Part of your payment may also go toward certain loan fees, like late payment fees.

Once you repay the loan in full, your lender will usually send a lien release document (depending on your state) to the state transportation agency. The car’s title will then be updated and transferred to you.

How Long Can You Finance a Car?

Terms for financing a car range from 12-94 months depending on whether you are financing a new or used vehicle. However, in most cases, the terms for most purchase loans for vehicles are around 72 months. It is also important to note that some lenders may not offer the longest and shortest-term options in this range.

Financing a car could be a way to take advantage of dealership incentives and car manufacturer specials, such as 0% financing or rebates. But keep in mind that you’ll typically need to get a car loan through the automaker’s finance company to qualify for these offers.

When you’re financing a car you can trade it in at any time to a dealer, but you still have to pay off the balance of the loan. Usually, the amount left over is covered by the trade-in value of the vehicle, but this depends on the age of the car and its condition among other factors.

If you need a set of wheels and don’t have the cash in hand to pay for it, financing may be your only option. Be sure to pay attention to how much you finance versus the value of the car you’re buying. If you don’t make a down payment and finance the entire cost of the car, you could find yourself owing more than your car is worth within a year or two.

Options for Financing a Car

Getting financing for a car is usually straightforward and can be done through various vehicle dealerships, online lenders, credit unions, and banks.

Each of these options fits into two different categories which include:Dealership Finance: Financing through a dealership involves signing a contract and getting a loan through their network of loan providers. It is often considered the easiest option and can save you money through their manufacturer car-buying programs. However, these often come with varying credit requirements and terms so you may be unable to take advantage.

Direct Lenders: This form of vehicle financing is done directly through banks, credit unions, and online lenders. Getting offers directly from loan providers allows you to compare offer terms and get preapproved. It can also give you leverage to negotiate when looking for a car at dealerships.What

Credit Score do you Need to Finance a Car?

There is no specific credit score needed to qualify for financing a vehicle, but some lenders have minimum requirements. While some loan providers may not have credit score requirements some may instead have income minimums. Each loan company has different ways of calculating whether you should get a loan and factors like income, credit, and vehicle type may be weighed differently in the process.

It’s generally a good idea to take some time to build your credit before applying for car financing — if you’re able to wait. If your credit scores are low, you may receive fewer offers than someone with good credit. And if you’re approved for a loan, you’ll likely get a higher interest rate than someone with a better credit score.

People with credit scores over 780 paid an average interest rate of 4.01% on their new-car loans, while those with credit scores of 500 or less paid an average rate of 14.3%, according to Experian’s report. This could translate to a major difference in how much interest you pay over the life of your loan.

Let’s say you got a five-year $20,000 car loan. Here’s how your credit could affect how much you pay in interest.

You’d pay more than $8,000 in interest on your loan with the 14.3% interest rate. That means your $20,000 vehicle would actually cost you more than $28,000.

Get Together The Required Paperwork

When financing a car there are four main requirements:

Proof of Identity: You will need to verify your identity with a government-issued ID which can include your passport, driver’s license, and birth certificate.

Proof of Income: In order to ensure you can make payments on time, documents like recent pay stubs, current bank statements, a recent W-2 form, or other statements. If you are self-employed, the last two years of your tax returns can also be used for proof of income.

Proof of Insurance: Like all auto loans or vehicle financing ventures you will need proof of the minimum required car insurance in your state. Getting this is typically easy, and you can call your car insurance company to get a binder to show you have the proper coverage.

Proof of Residence: To show proof of residence, you may provide your driver’s license, utility bill statements, insurance bills, mortgage or lease statements, and bank or credit card statements.

In some situations, you may need additional information such as your social security number or vehicle purchase documents in order to finance a car. If you are financing a used car you’ll need the original title document before you can move forward with an auto loan.

Get Rates From Auto Lenders

Lenders may not offer the same APRs and loan terms when you’re financing a car, so compare rates from auto loan providers. There are plenty of vehicle financing options, from dealerships and banks to companies that specialize in auto loans.

When getting quotes from auto loan providers you must know the differences between being prequalified and preapproved when financing a car. Prequalification offers an estimate of your rate, but because potential lenders only do a soft credit check, the rate could change after you apply for a loan. Preapproval comes after a hard credit check and almost guarantees financing at the terms outlined in the preapproval offer.

Preapproval can lead to a slight decrease in your credit score, but it allows a serious shopper to calculate the monthly car payments for the life of the loan. FICO counts all hard credit checks relating to your car loan as a single inquiry for up to 45 days, so rate shopping won’t impact your credit more than once.

Pick The Best Auto Lender For You

Everyone has different needs when it comes to financing a car. While some may avoid auto lenders with higher interest rates, others would be satisfied with any provider that’s willing to finance their vehicle.

When choosing an auto lender, keep the following factors in mind:APR: The lower the APR listed in your contract’s disclosures, the less you’ll pay to borrow money.

Term length: Your loan term can vary considerably in length. Having a long-term loan typically means you’ll pay less per month but more over the full amount of time.

Down payment: Making a significant down payment can save you money on interest when financing a car. The minimum down payment–if any–is determined by each auto lender. You may be able to use the trade-in value of your old vehicle toward the down payment on a new vehicle.

Tips for Financing a Car

Below are some tips to keep in mind if you decide to finance a car through a purchase loan:Get preapproved: Getting preapproval for an auto loan gives you leverage and a better understanding of what you can afford. What you are offered helps you find out what to rates and terms to expect from a dealer and gives you perspective on what is a good deal for your financial situation.

Put down a sizable down payment: Conventional wisdom suggests that putting down at least 20% of the vehicle’s value is a good idea. The higher your down payment is, the lower your monthly payments and interest rates will be.

Don’t buy vehicle add-ons immediately: Dealerships will try to sell you a number of things including gap insurance and extended warranties at extremely high prices. While these can be good investments, there is no need to buy them as soon as you get a loan and it is better to take your time and compare options.

Get a shorter loan term: If you can afford it, getting financing a car with a shorter loan term length allows you to have lower rates and pay less in the long term.

Finance a car you can afford: Generally it is recommended by financial experts to not pay more than 10-15% of your take home pay on car payments. Also, considering purchasing a used car can save you a lot of money as well.

Just as you might shop around for a car, you’ll want to shop around for a car loan. The interest rate and loan term you’re offered may vary by lender — shopping around could help you find the best rate and terms for your budget.

Applying for prequalification with different lenders and getting prequalified can help you see estimated loan rates and terms without a hard inquiry appearing on your credit reports. But remember that getting prequalified isn’t a guarantee of loan approval — your loan terms may change after you submit your loan application and the lender runs a hard credit inquiry.

As you consider each loan offer, don’t just focus on your monthly payment. Look at the total cost of financing, too. For example, it may be tempting to choose a longer loan term to lower your car payments, but you could end up paying much more in interest over the life of the loan. Finding the best financing for your needs can take some strategy and time. But in return, you could save hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
10 Financial Tips for Young Adults Make a Smart Move Now

10 Financial Tips for Young Adults Make a Smart Move Now

When you’re young, it may seem like there’s no need to save money — you can always do it later, right? However, while it might seem easy to live your life from paycheck to paycheck for the time being, starting to save now will prepare you for the future and protect you in case of emergencies.

Getting your financial footing can be a challenge when you’re young, especially if you have student loan payments or a new mortgage make you feel penniless. Putting aside just a bit of your money in the bank can make a huge difference — but there’s more you can do than that.

In this article, we’ll cover 10 tips for young adults who want to start their financially-independent years on the right foot.

1. Educate Yourself

Take charge of your financial future and read a few basic books on personal finance. Once armed with knowledge, don’t let anyone take you off track, whether a significant other who encourages you to waste money or friends who plan expensive trips and events you can't afford. Research professionals like financial planners, mortgage lenders, or accountants before utilizing their services.

2. Start Saving Early

When you’re not earning much, saving may seem like a big challenge, but setting aside a few bucks a week can still help down the road. You can use your budget to determine how much money you’ll be able to put into savings every month.

If you’re looking to invest, check if your employer offers a 401(k) account. If they do, calculate how much you can afford to contribute from your salary and steadily increase it as you earn more.

3. Learn to Budget

Once you’ve read a few personal finance books, you will understand two rules. Never let your expenses exceed your income, and watch where your money goes. The best way to do this is by budgeting and creating a personal spending plan to track the money coming in and going out.

Tracking expenses, like your expensive morning coffee, can provide a valuable wake-up call. Small changes in your everyday expenses are under your control and can impact your financial situation. Keeping monthly expenses, like rent, as low as possible can save you money over time and put you in a position to invest in your own home sooner than later.

4. Minimize Debt

A budget is one of the most helpful tools to strengthen your finances. Although the word can seem scary, knowing where your money goes throughout the month is one of the most empowering facets of financial literacy. For example, reviewing your expenses can reveal an unused streaming subscription, weekly restaurant trips and an old gym membership. Addressing these expenses can net you a quick $100 a month in your budget, allowing for more saving and investing.

On that note, managing your debt is vital to your finances. For instance, student loans and credit cards can spiral out of control, putting you further behind your financial goals. Instead of letting interest payments eat up more cash, it’s best to create a debt repayment plan. There are two popular approaches to debt repayment: snowball or avalanche.

The snowball strategy means paying off your smallest debts first. Once you repay your smallest debt balance, you can apply this payment to your next smallest debt. This way, you gain momentum with each payment. On the other hand, the avalanche approach means attacking the debt with the highest interest rate, the logic being that interest makes debt more expensive over time. This way, you get rid of the costliest debt first, allowing you to apply an increasing amount of money to your debt’s principal.

Remember, debt is the inverse of an investment. An investment grows based on a rate of return, and debt grows because of interest. Therefore, it’s key to get your debt under control before you start investing significant amounts of money.

5. Keep Track of Your Spending Habits

A budget gives you a foundation for tracking your spending. In addition, a habit of spending less than you make will help unusually high spending become apparent. So, it’s best to give your finances a quick review every two or three months. Specifically, you can review your bank and credit card statements to see if you can reduce any expenditures in the future.
6. Start an Emergency Fund

Once you get into the habit of saving money, you will stop treating savings as optional and start treating it as a required monthly expense. Many accounts offer the power of compound interest, such as a high-yield savings account, short-term certificate of deposit (CD), or money market account.

Surprise expenses can derail the best-laid spending plan. For example, your budget might be chugging along for several months before you need a $700 car repair. Then, suddenly, your investment contributions are out the window, and it can be hard to get back on track once the emergency is over.

To combat this situation, start an emergency fund along with your investment fund. You can build it up over time in your savings account. A good rule of thumb is to have three to six months of expenses in an emergency fund. This way, a broken furnace or surprise medical bill will be a minor bump in the road instead of a crisis.

7. Separate your needs from wants

Many graduates make the mistake of immediately getting a new car and making other big purchases once they land a job. However, making large purchases is about more than being able to make monthly payments; it’s also about being able to pay your debt.

To help you limit accumulating debts, be sure to live within your means and understand how delayed gratification works — it’s a lot cheaper to save up and purchase things in full rather than using credit or loans for each purchase.

8. Monitor Your Taxes

When a company offers you a starting salary, calculate whether that salary after taxes meets your financial needs and savings goals. Many online calculators help you see your after-tax salary, such as, and chart your gross pay (total earnings) and net pay (earnings after taxes and other deductions or take-home pay). In 2022, an annual salary of $35,000 in New York netted $28,270 after federal and state taxes, or about $2,356 per month.3

In the U.S., low-income earners are taxed at a lower rate than higher-income earners—the higher your salary, the higher the tax rate. A salary increase from $35,000 to $41,000 a year looks like an extra $6,000 per year or $500 per month, but the tax rate will be higher, so it will only give you $4,227, or $352 per month.

In addition, your retirement accounts have unique tax implications. For example, a traditional 401(k) uses pre-tax dollars, lowering your tax burden while you work. However, you’ll pay income taxes when you withdraw money from your account during retirement. On the other hand, a Roth IRA uses money the government has already taxed, and you’ll pay zero taxes on income from this account when you’re retired. Therefore, tax planning while you’re young can help you optimize your finances.9. Save for Retirement

You might think it’s too early to think about retirement — after all, you just graduated college, right? But remember that the sooner you start saving, the sooner you’ll be able to stop working and start enjoying your life. No matter how young you are, plan for your retirement now. With the power of compound interest, when you start saving in your 20s, you will earn interest not only on the principal you deposit but also on the interest you earn over time, and you will have what you need to retire someday

Look into company-sponsored retirement plans so you can set aside pre-tax dollars and have the company match your contributions — it’s practically free money

10. Guard Your Health

Healthcare is one of the fastest-growing expenses in the United States. You can lower your chances of spending huge sums of money on hospital bills by making sure that your health stays in tip-top shape.

This means eating well-balanced and nutritious meals, regularly exercising, having regular check-ups, and monitoring any conditions you may already have.
If you’re uninsured, don’t wait to apply for health insurance.

If employed, your employer may offer health insurance, including high-deductible health plans that save on premiums and qualify you for a Health Savings Account (HSA). If you’re under the age of 26, you may be to stay on your parent’s health insurance, an option that has been allowed since the 2010 passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Many young adults make financial mistakes. Some will encounter bigger problems than others, but that’s okay. It’s important to understand that help is available to get you back on track if needed. 

You don’t need an MBA in Finance or specialized training to become an expert at managing your finances. By following these ten tips above, you will be on the path to financial security. Start right now. The younger you are, the more your savings can grow.
8 Money Habits That Will Keep You Poor Forever

8 Money Habits That Will Keep You Poor Forever

Bad money habits can trap you in a cycle of financial struggle, while good money habits can set you on the path to financial prosperity. It’s a simple principle, but mastering it requires discipline, knowledge, and a commitment to long-term financial health.

In order to provide security and a decent standard of living for you and your family, you need to break bad money habits. They can prevent you from reaching your financial goals and set you up for failure. Some habits, when left unchecked, could leave you stuck in a cycle of financial struggle. Let’s explore these habits and how to break free from them. Let’s look deeper at the ten money habits that can keep you broke.

1. Lack Of Spending Discipline

One of the biggest culprits that keep people broke is a lack of spending discipline. It’s like a leaky bucket—you earn, but the money slips through holes of unnecessary expenses. Consider an individual who splurges on gourmet coffee every morning. What seems like a harmless $5 treat totals up to $150 per month, $1,800 per year. Conversely, brewing coffee at home could cost pennies daily, freeing up funds for more important financial goals. You get several bad spending habits that are not in your budget, and your money will melt away.


Emergencies are those life and death situations that can alter your life forever ​​if you’re unprepared. You can’t protect yourself and your finances if you keep dipping into your emergency fund. Once you start an emergency fund, make regular contributions to it and don’t touch it unless it’s an emergency.

3. You’re Not Paying Yourself First

A typical money trap is paying everyone else—landlords, credit card companies, utility providers—before paying yourself. This habit leaves little for savings or investments. The individual who follows this pattern often lives paycheck to paycheck, struggling to build wealth. Aim to save or invest a portion of your income before you pay your bills. It might be challenging initially, but you’ll thank yourself later. Ultimately, it would be best to work for yourself, not bill collectors. Put your name at the top of your budget to pay first.

This poor spending decision can add up quickly and cause you to run out of money fast. The more you spend on non-essential items, the less money you have left for essential items. No matter how great they sound, avoid all discounts, sales, special offers, and rewards. Before you purchase anything, take a moment or 24 hours to think about how much you need or want this item.

Impulsive buying is a fast track to an empty bank account. The thrill of a sale or the desire for instant gratification can lead to purchases you don’t need or can’t afford. If you’re buying a new pair of shoes every month, consider whether it’s necessary or a want. Instead, save for long-term value or invest that money for a higher return.

4. Selling Your Time For Money Is Your Only Income

If your only income comes from selling your time—a salaried job or hourly work—you’re caught in a cycle that limits your earning potential. There are only 24 hours in a day, after all. Consider building passive income streams, like websites, YouTube channels, or online businesses, which could generate money while you sleep.

Cultivate spending discipline and avoid unnecessary expenses.
Improve your skills and seek opportunities to increase your income.
Show dedication and hard work at your job to boost your earning potential
Acquire financial literacy to understand how to make your money work for you.
Prioritize paying yourself first to build savings and investments.
Curb impulsive buying and focus on long-term value.

Surround yourself with financially secure individuals for positive influence.
Seek passive income opportunities to break free from trading time for money.

5. Lack Of Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is critical. It’s not just about earning and saving money but understanding how to make it work. A person who isn’t financially literate might save, but without investing, they lose the potential for compound growth. Start reading financial books and blogs, and consider speaking with a financial advisor. Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to money.
Not keeping a record of your money

This ties in with the concept of budgeting.

If you don’t know where your money goes and how much your bills are, and who they are payable to, how can you possibly keep on top of your finances?

The reality is, many are aware of their major expenditures, but the smaller ones slip through the cracks and end up eating away at our finances. By keeping track of your finances and writing down exactly how much you need to pay, and to who, can help you budget for the rest. Also, by keeping a close eye on your money ensures that if there is fraudulent activity on your account, it's identified and dealt with straight away. 


Failing to prepare for unexpected events is one of the most common bad money habits to break. Paying yourself first by saving money before you spend any money is the best way to protect your finances and reach your goals.

The difference between poor people and self-made millionaires is that the latter make a habit of saving regularly. After all, the more you can save at an early age, the more wealth you’ll accumulate. So whether you’re saving a rainy day fund, for retirement or for a big ticket item, it needs to start today.

After you’ve set a budget and begun to track your spending each month, you should start to put money away each month towards an emergency fund.  Most financial experts recommend that you save between three and six months worth of expenses in an emergency fund so that you have something to fall back on should an unexpected bill pop up.

Once you’ve established a budget and stashed away some money for an emergency fund, your next focus should be saving for retirement. 

Whether that is salary sacrifice, paying off your mortgage early or investing in property, the long-term goal should be how you plan to pay for your retirement when the time comes.

By automating your savings, you can save more without even thinking about it. Don’t wait to “have more” before you start saving. No matter how tight your current budget is, you can always find ways to trim your expenses.

7. Living beyond your means

It’s a simple bad money habit, and also one that many of us do. If you’ve sat down and worked out a budget, put money for bills and general living costs aside and don’t have anything left for food, you’re living way beyond your means.

Or maybe you live paycheck-to-paycheck, live off credit, continually exceed your budget, buy impulsively or daily to save?  Or all of them?

You’re spending more than you earn. Living beyond your means immediately puts your finances at risk by increasing debt, not having enough for bills, and not being able to save any money. This is a fast-track way to being, or staying, poor.

8. Lack Of Earning Power

Next up is a lack of earning power. Sticking to a low-paying job or not seeking opportunities to increase your income means you’re likely to stay broke. It’s a harsh truth, but money often flows towards skills and value. If you’re not improving your skills, you’re not increasing your value, and you’ll find it hard to earn more. A diligent approach to continuous learning and career growth could help escape this vicious cycle. You must raise your value to employers through skills, knowledge, experience, responsibilities, and education to increase your earnings power.

It can be tempting to hike up the budget, or even throw it out the window altogether, when your pay goes up, especially if it's a substantial increase to your income. Sure, there is no harm in raising your standard of life when you can, or treating yourself once in a while, but constantly raising your budget and spending can see you run out of money just as fast, even if your income has risen along with it.

It’s important to keep expenses and spending at a constant level while looking for ways to increase your income or gain a passive income to help boost your overall wealth. Financial success means different things to different people. It might mean achieving millionaire status, owning your own home, or even living debt free.

The trick to financial success is being able to manage your money… and that’s where your good or bad habits can play a vital role. The lesson from all this is to spend less than you earn, save the difference and when you have sufficient saved, start investing.

Planning your future, budgeting for the present and staying on top of your finances will allow anyone with any income to reach the ultimate goal of financial freedom.

Not only will you have a nest egg to fall back on if an unexpected expense comes your way, you can also grow your financial freedom and even build the retirement lifestyle of your dreams.

One of the key ways to build real wealth is to invest…
List of African Countries that Can Send and Receive Money with PayPal

List of African Countries that Can Send and Receive Money with PayPal

Since the company’s expansion to Africa, it has maintained a one-sided relationship with most countries on the continent, allowing them only to send money. And according to its website, only 12 African countries can send and receive money on the platform, but to varying degrees. They include Algeria, Botswana, Egypt, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Senegal, Seychelles and South Africa.

An account is free to open. There is $0 cost for opening an account but you will be charged some fees for sending funds to business accounts, receiving funds, and withdrawing to a bank account or bank card. Sending and/or receiving to Personal account within the same country are free.
PayPal South Africa

PayPal users in South Africa has some of the richest experience in Africa. Users can open Personal or Business accounts; can Send, Receive and/or withdraw via FNB.

Note: Par Forex regulations, users in South Africa are legally required to withdraw all received funds to a bank account, and then spend from a bank card if/when necessary.


Once you have a PayPal account, withdrawing through FNB does not require an FNB bank account. You only need an FNB profile. Simply register for the FNB Online Banking profile, and withdraw money to any South African bank account.

Withdraw in USD

It is possible to withdraw your PayPal funds into an FNB Business Global (CFC) account, effectively allowing you to make foreign payments in US Dollars. This helps lower the risk and cost incurred with exchange rate fluctuations and double conversion. Customers must be registered for the FNB PayPal service and would need to contact FNB for assistance with enabling this option.

Do note that this USD withdrawal feature requires a minimum transaction amount of $5,000 and is only available for businesses, not individuals. EUR and GBP Global accounts are not supported; it is only available to FNB USD denominated Global (CFC) accounts. Other terms apply, as would be specified by FNB.


Aside from the ability to spend directly from your Credit or Debit Visa or Mastercard linked to the PayPal account, you have the added convenience of topping-up from your South African Rands if you bank with FNB.

The FNB Top-up Service allows you to top up funds from your qualifying FNB ZAR account to your linked PayPal account to shop online or make payments with PayPal. The Top-up service is only available to FNB customers. A Top-up takes less than 10 minutes to reflect in your PayPal account. Do note that USD/ZAR forex rates would apply to this transaction.

PayPal Nigeria

Residents of Nigeria have more limited access to PayPal. Local users can only send money on Personal accounts, not receive. They cannot maintain a balance and can only spend from their verified/linked Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card.

Business Accounts can receive money but only through a website. The PayPal account would need to be configured on an online shopping cart.

While First Bank Nigeria appears to be the local banking partner, there is no meaningful effect of this considering there is no formal withdrawal service in Nigeria.

PayPal Mauritius

Any resident of Mauritius who is over 18 years old having a personal Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB) Current or Savings Account and registered to the Juice app can use PayPal services on Juice. Only Mauritian PayPal accounts are eligible for this service.

It is available to both individual customers and online sellers having an MCB account with access to MCB’s Juice app.

MCB offers a top-up service and withdrawal options for PayPal users. MCB will convert your withdrawal funds from USD to MUR and your Top-up/Send money from MUR to USD according to bank’s daily conversion rate. A withdrawal from a PayPal account takes a maximum of 3 business days to reflect in your linked MCB Savings or Current account.

PayPal Kenya

PayPal partners Equity Bank in Kenya for residents of Kenya to withdraw their money locally. The Equity Bank Withdraw Service is exclusive to Equity Bank and enables PayPal account holders to withdraw funds paid into their PayPal accounts through Equity Bank. The service is available to customers with an Equity Bank account. Funds can be withdrawn from PayPal to Equity Bank transactional accounts in KES, USD, GBP, or EUR, excluding credit cards.

When performing a withdraw transaction Equity Bank will verify your Equity Bank and personal details and you will be redirected to PayPal to confirm the withdraw transaction. A withdrawal takes 3 business days to reflect in your Equity Bank account.

It is important that the e-mail address on your Equity Bank Account and PayPal Account is the same.

PayPal Ghana

As of January 2020, PayPal is not available to residents of Ghana in any shape or form. While there has been a lot of speculation over the years regarding a potential entry into the West African country, there is no sound evidence as of when or if it would be available.

PayPal Botswana

PayPal partners FNB in Botswana for funds withdrawal. The FNB Withdraw Service with PayPal allows you to withdraw funds paid into your verified PayPal account to your qualifying FNB Bank account. The Withdraw Service is exclusive to FNB customers in Botswana and is available to both individual and business customers.

If your account contains funds in a different currency, PayPal will auto-convert those funds into US Dollars during the withdrawal process. FNB has a $10,000 USD limit per transaction. The Botswana Pula is currently not an available currency on PayPal but when you withdraw your money it will be converted by FNB into Pula according to the banks daily conversion rate and settled into the linked FNB bank account. FNB charges 1.5% of the US Dollar (USD) amount per withdrawn transaction. A successful withdrawal will take 5-8 business days to appear on your bank account balance.

Other Countries

The following other African countries can send and receive.
  • Egypt – users only withdraw to an Egyptian Visa card or US bank account
  • Algeria – users can only withdraw to an Algerian Visa card or US bank account
  • Reunion
  • Lesotho
  • Malawi
  • Morocco
  • Mozambique
For countries not supported you should consider bank transfer and cash on arrival.

Countries currently not supported are (no liability assumed):
  • Antarctica
  • Afghanistan
  • Cote D'ivoire
  • Cuba
  • Belarus
  • Bouvet Island
  • British Indian Ocean Territory
  • Cameroon
  • Central African Republic
  • Christmas Island
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Haiti
  • Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • North Korea
  • Laos
  • Lebanon
  • Liberia
  • Libya
  • Myanmar
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Serbia and Montenegro
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Turkey
  • Zimbabwe
Another option to receive card payments from (nearly) anywhere is Stripe.

While it is theoretically possible for anyone anywhere to open a PayPal account in a country that has a fuller experience like US, UK, Canada, Singapore etc, such accounts are very difficult to maintain and you have a high risk of losing your money when they freeze the account, demanding legal documentation to prove you are a legal resident of the said country.
20 Best Profitable Low Investment Business Ideas Under 10k Budget

20 Best Profitable Low Investment Business Ideas Under 10k Budget

There has been a fast increase in the number of youth's who are in search of business ideas in around the world with low investment. They have all the potential and abilities to turn into aspiring entrepreneurs, ready to change the face of economy. Yet, most of the times these talented youth do not have enough capital to kick-start a flourishing business. Hence, here are the top 20 business ideas that you can start with a low investment.

1. Social Media Management Services

In the current scenario, social media has redefined how business functions. Companies are frantically looking for reliable social media handles to manage their advertising through digital marketing. A good social media service provider is one who targets potential digital users and audience through clever storytelling and promotional techniques.

The market is flooded with Social Media apps and the numbers are only expected to increase. To become a successful Social Media provider, along with a unique idea to bring more business, you need an ability to pick up the trends and roll with it quickly. The startup cost involves minimal cost depending on your scalability. While you can hire a few people to create and curate content, manage social media accounts, this idea requires the least resources. However, one needs to be on their toes to learn new hacks and techniques as there’s always something new coming on Facebook or Instagram Marketing. The info graph on social media clearly makes it one of the best business ideas around the world with low investment.

2. Blogging

Blogging is a minimum startup business that can be extremely profitable. Over the last few decades, companies are in a hunt for bloggers who help them to create a web-based platform for their business and reach to a global audience through the means of online posts and contents. In this era of the digital age, blogging has evolved to become the backbone for successful businesses and bloggers are looked upon as online influencers.

Blogging is a great startup idea that earns you income as well as respect. If you have the keenness to write, a quest for reading and a dedication to never give up, you have the perfect ingredients to become a good blogger. There are countless free blogging guides available online, to help beginners create impactful blogs. With an initial cost of investing in a hosting space and domain name, you are geared up to succeed in one of the most lucrative business ideas.

3. Travel Agency

Travel Industry is at its peak. While the desire for ‘wanderlust’ is umpteen, there are never enough resources for meticulous packing. So if you have a fervour for travelling, this profession can make you rich. Like a good travel agent, you must be able to plan a great itinerary for clients that offer superb arrangements in the most pocket-friendly way.

There is no initial startup cost for opening a travel agency, other than getting a high-speed internet connection. Your job might also require you to function as a tour guide for your clients and travel with them to breathtaking locales around the world. Isn’t it exciting enough to get started?

4. Photography

Photography is a business in itself. A photographer is always in demand in personal as well as professional life. Whether there is a corporate seminar, wedding functions, promotions, book launches or exhibitions, it is important to be clicked. If you have a passion for photography, then it is the right field for you to invest your time and energy.

The initial cost in this startup business is buying a good digital camera, good pair of lenses, a tool that can help you easily convert pictures to videos, and a tripod stand if needed for your business. You can either choose to work as a freelance photographer or tie-up with reputed photography organizations.

5. Tiffin Service

Tiffin Service has turned out to be a profitable startup with low investment, especially for women. The ‘eating out’ trend has been replaced with ‘eating in’. And whilst most of the young people are working, the demand for tiffin service has increased manifold. People are willing to pay well for healthy tiffin service.

Tiffin service requires no startup cost as it can begin right from your home using the ingredients in your kitchen shelf. A right mix of taste and healthy ingredients can turn it into a highly profitable business.

6. Fruit Juice Kiosk 

The urban crowd is becoming more conscious of what they eat and drink. Staying fit and healthy is a top priority now and this turned the idea of opening a fruit juice kiosk into one of the most successful business ideas. Nothing can be more refreshing than a glass of fresh fruit juice on a sultry summer afternoon.

There has been a rapid increase in the number of fruit juice kiosk popping up in metropolitan cities across the world. To open a kiosk, you first need to seek a permit in your chosen locality and rent a small space. Other than the monthly rent you only need to invest in the purchase of raw materials and basic supplies for the kiosk.

7. Online Fitness Instructors

In the 21st century, being fit is highly crucial. While most of us desire to stay healthy, there is never enough time to visit a gymnasium or attend fitness classes. Wouldn’t it be convenient to have someone visit your home to help you get in shape or get fitness classes online, any time of the day? That’s exactly what an online fitness instructor does for clients.

Becoming an online fitness instructor is a new rage today. If you are a fitness freak, you simply need to upload your fitness tutorials on social media and get people following you there. If you are good at your work you can easily make a strong online presence and become a great fitness instructor without renting any studio space.

8. Event Management

The ‘big fat weddings’ around the world have made event management one of the most profitable business ideas with low investment. Planning an event, either on a professional or personal scale requires looking after minute details to make it super successful. Event hosts mostly do not have the time for execution and hire event managers to take charge of the situation.

Panache for creativity and the right networking can take you places in the event management business without making a big investment.

9. Tuition and Coaching Centres

This is another lucrative business option for those with capital constraints. Tuitions classes or coaching centres can begin right from your home, eliminating the need for any rented space. The classes can be taken individually or in larger groups. With a strong knowledge in the field, you excel will help to spread your popularity by word-of-mouth.

Slowly, as the business grows you can hire professionals in other fields and start working from a rented place.

10. Food Trucks

The concept of healthy food on wheels is working well in the urban cities. Food trucks are the new-age ‘thellas’ that serves hot, delicious and healthy food. These mobile eating joints present you with delectable cuisines from around the world at a fairly reasonable price. The USP of food trucks is their mobility.

You can conveniently park them outside the school during the afternoon and later travel to office areas during the late evening. Opening your food trucks is an ideal business startup if you have a budget of 10k. With no real-estate investments required, you only need a functional truck, basic equipment and few staffs to get your business kick-started. The current trend in the economy makes it an ideal ground for ambitious entrepreneurs. These remarkable startup ideas with only 10,000 budget will enable newbies to turn into flourishing entrepreneurs. These low investment business ideas prove that capital can never be a roadblock on your journey to achieve BIG in life!

11. DIY Home Decor & Crafts 

Ever paid attention to the Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) sessions at school? Well, if you did and are creative enough to turn junk into marvellous art pieces, then this won’t cost you more than few pennies. And to the world around, they sell like hot cakes for home decor purposes and landscaping.

Such quirky pieces made of unconventional ideas amuse people from all walks of life. If you have a tint of creativity and a gang of the like-minded workforce, you can come up with such projects on an experimental basis initially. For which you won’t require much money to be put in, and if your ideas appease some of the people around then you can go about monetizing the venture at large.

12. Backyard/Garden Landscaping Expert

There are a host of backyard/ garden landscaping ideas available online. If you dig in deeper, you would come across free tutorials to understand the aesthetic requirements of any space as well. So all you need to do is come up with something similar at your place and for which you won’t need to shell out a fortune as well.

For there are a number of flea markets and recycled goods stores present in major cities. You can also upcycle old furniture to come up with mix and match styles of decor. Once you’re done posing across the newly landscaped backyard or garden of yours, just post it online for marketing it across. And don’t go anywhere but your existing social media handles to showcase your work. When you’ve successfully created a buzz around your newly acquired skills, it will be time to cash things in by taking up projects. Over which you won’t need to spend a single penny, take cuts from margins in furniture or decor items, over the usual consultation fee you may charge for your expertise.

13. Youtube Cooking Tutorials

Our mothers have always been the best cooks ever. We always wonder how they cook delicious food so effortlessly and within no time. Coming up with these quick recipes and vlogging them are quite popular among the YouTube community. One of the easiest low investment business ideas, becoming a YouTuber is not just about recognition.

A number of proficient users have been able to monetize it as well. Coming up with such a channel would open new horizons in this field. People are often approached by larger marketing hubs for content distributional purposes, which in turn yield revenue for these individuals as well.

14. Custom Gift Shop

Receiving a gift will make anyone happy regardless of the amount, and a personally customized one will leave a deep impression on your loved ones. With the onset of technological advancements in today’s world, it is possible to customize almost anything. Hence, the customization business is booming. One of the most original concepts is opening a gift shop. Giving customers what they require will undoubtedly help your business and boost revenues.

15. Yoga Classes

The wellness sector is expanding. People want to take time for themselves and find calm in today’s fast-paced world. With just a small investment, you can start yoga lessons at home and teach others how to lead healthy lives. You can also rent a studio or a community centre and teach yoga to the people gathered there. As most people enjoy doing things in groups, they would motivate each other to keep continuing with their lessons.

16. Freelance Software Development

If you are interested in software engineering and have good coding skills, then look no further and simply start software development. There are many businesses that are switching online and in need of new software as per their demands.

To start a software development business, all you need are clients. Look for potential clients who are in need of your services and deliver the work accordingly. Initially, you can develop the software for your clients from home, and you don’t even need any equipment except for your laptop and WiFi.

When you get enough clients, you can hire people who are specialised in software development to help grow your business.

17. Landscaping

If you are someone who has a love for nature and has enough creativity, then landscaping is the right business for you. Now days, government around the world are now turning many remote places into tourist spots, and the demand for landscaping at these places is extremely high.

To turn the existing plain land into creative land by adding colourful plants, trees, living items, and other types of attractive gardening items is known as “landscaping.”

When many remote places are declared tourist spots, a lot of hotels, restaurants, and sight-seeing places boom, and all these places require landscaping. As a result, if you have enough creative gardening skills, you can start a landscaping business.

18. Lawn Care

The lawn care business is one of the booming ones. All you have to do is purchase the right equipment to get started with lawn care. Many high-end hotels maintain lawns but do not have in-house staff to manage them. Hence, from time to time, they outsource the lawncare services, and you can grab this opportunity.

You can have an agreement with your clients to offer your services regularly and earn a good profit through your lawn care business.

19. Pet Sitting

It’s no surprise that pets are treated like children, siblings, grandchildren, and even their closest family members. However, these people are always too busy to spend enough time with their pets due to their busy schedules, so they require an expert to take care of them and spend time with them.

Hence, starting a pet sitting business is not bad, and you can make a decent amount of money through it. All you have to do is identify the clients who are in need of these pet-sitting services and start engaging with them.

20. Tea Stall

One of the most consumed beverages around the world is tea. The love for tea is unimaginable. Thus, starting a tea stall out of offices is the best idea. Employees love to grab tea breaks to detox their stress, and hence take at least 3 to 4 tea breaks on an average day.

The best part about the tea business is that you will start making money right away.

What are some of the 10K business ideas?

The top 10 business ideas are drop shipping and YouTube. You will need a website to sell the sellers’ products when drop shipping. Whereas through YouTube, you can make trending videos and videos on the topics that users will be interested in, and that’s it; you can start earning the money.

What are the best low-investment businesses? 

A few of the best low-investment businesses are: 
  1. Travel Agency
  2. Photography 
  3. Social Media Management Services 
  4. Tiffin Service 
  5. Fruit Juice Kiosk Business in India 
  6. Candle Making 
  7. Fast Food Parlor 
What is the most low-budget business to start? 

Some very low-budget business ideas are: 
  1. Content Creation 
  2. Online tutoring 
  3. Event Planning 
  4. Youtube Cooking Tutorials
With so many potential businesses to start with $10K or less, you're sure to find something that suits you. But starting a business also requires a lot of your time. To make your life a little easier, try automating your processes with some of the online tools so you can focus your energy on growing your business. 

6 Money Management Tips to Improve Your Finances with Questions

6 Money Management Tips to Improve Your Finances with Questions

With unemployment at all-time high amid the coronavirus outbreak we spent money on things we really don’t want at the moment.

You don’t need a higher-paying job or a windfall from a relative to improve your personal finances. For many people, better money management is all it takes to reduce their spending, improve their ability to invest and save, and achieve financial goals that once seemed impossible.

Even if you feel like your finances are stuck in a bad place with no way out, there are a number of things you can do to create a better situation for yourself. Here are seven to get you started.

You all know life is much easier when we have control over our finances and with a good financial skill you will be able to control and manage your spending. We all know that our money impacts our credit score and the amount of debt we can end up carrying may reduce if we plan properly. 

Now is a good time to make sure our finances are in order. Implement these tips one at a time to manage your money the right way and also learn to separate savings account so that you can easily separate your spending cash from long term savings. Make sure to take five minutes every day to check in with your budget.

Make a budget: This is one way to save yourself from spending excessively and unknowingly. Spend time reading books about budgeting. I never used to believe in budget until I started doing it and it so helpful, it let you know how much money you earned and how much money you are spending. It also allow you to see where you’re making waste like when you are wasting money buying unnecessary stuffs. In order to combat this, take time to make a budget. Plan out where you want to use your money. In addition to your everyday expenses, think about your savings goals for the future. You also want to find a budgeting method that works for you.

Eat out less: We are all guilty of eating out every now and then or more it’s not a bad idea though to eat outside but when it become really excessive that is when you should look into it and possibly change your habit of eating out. You can reduce the amount of time that you eat out; you can save some money doing a meal preamp.

Save lose chain: If you have like lose money $50, $70, $100 or even $200 find somewhere you can just toast the money in instead of lose all of them to unnecessary shopping and you will be amazed at the end of the months or year how much money you saved for yourself.

Make a plan: Without a plan, it is extremely easy to find yourself short on money. After all, the treat yourself logic is easy to embrace. If you say yes to too many unnecessary expenses, then you might be disappointed with your savings. You end up having nothing left on your saving. Sometimes we spend so much money without considering the impact it will have on our saving.

Invest in something: Find something that you can invest your money on and get percentage of your income. You can invest in Mutual Funds, Stock and Shares. You can get someone to advice you accordingly, you can just put your money in while you sit back and relax and see your money work for you. You can also get into partnership something that can help multiply your earning. Percentage of your income should be put into growing your money, don’t stress yourself just live your life like a minimum-less. Try to declutter like take away things that you don’t need, buy things that are only important for you.

Set money goals: If you are getting serious about your money, then setting goals is a good idea. It helps you focus. Think about where you want to be financially. There is no wrong answer but you’ll need to take a minute to think about your plans and how money would factor into them. Once you have an idea of how money will play into your life, make clear and specific goals for your money. What do you think about the post? Leave a comment below and share your thought with us.

Today we are going to ask questions that will help determine our financial strength and how you can improve yourself for better future. You can check my first article on cash flow management here before you can continue so you will have slight idea about this questions. Now if you can answer Yes or No to the following questions, your chances of living a better life of your dreams is sure. Remember your answer should be Yes, No or I don’t Know.

1. Do you know your present financial condition or networth?

2. Are you satisfied with your present financial condition?

3. Are you aware of the simple ways to increase your networth?

4. Do you have enough saving to see you through six months of normal living            expense if you lose your job right now?

5. Do you save money on a regular basic?

6. Have you form the habit of saving?

7. Do you have a well define documented financial goal?

8. Do you have a Bank Account?

9. Do you reconcile your bank statement every month?

10. Do you keep records of your income and expenditure?

11. Do you know how much you spend each month?

12. Do you spent less than you earn?

13. Do you have a household budget and are you successful at managing it?

14. Do you avoid major credit purchase?

15. Do you take advantage of all saving and investment opportunities that come          your way?

16. Do you have any investment that’ll help to reduce your taxable income?
17. Do you diversify your investment?

18. Are you satisfied with the contribution from your investment to your total              income?

19. Do you feel you have a brilliant financial adviser or team of financial adviser?

20. Do you feel you have sufficient life insurance cover?

21. Do you have a plan for your children college and university education?

22. Do you own a house?

23. Do you have a plan to retire in comfort?

24. Have you prepared your WILL?

25. Are you in control of your financial future?

26. Are you satisfied with the contribution you have made to the world?
Now here is the score guide:

If No or I don’t Know is between 0 and 4: You are in good shape.

If No or I don’t Know is between 5 and 10: You are on the right path but you need to improve.

If No or I don’t Know is between 11 and 12: You are on a weak point, something have to be done.

If No or I don’t Know is between 13 and above: You need help because poverty is knocking on your door.

That’s all for now, let us known what is your take on this by using the comment button below. If you have any question I promise to do my best to answer you.

Thank you for visit and your time for reading, hope to see you again. Please subscribe to receive our latest update.
4 Ways that Poor Cash Flow Can Damage your Business

4 Ways that Poor Cash Flow Can Damage your Business

If you are among those who selling on credit and never get paid back or you are cash strapped and unable to pay taxes, rents and staffs salaries. All these challenge can ruin your cash flow if not identified or response to promptly in the financial management of your company and addressed adequately, may lead to liquidation of the business. 

The inability to manage the financial aspect of business has led to failure of some small enterprise and entrepreneurs. Many companies do not have the record of the account receivables, expenditure and income return, other records that do not correspond with cash at hand. Women in business are guiltier of not keeping enough adequate record of their business operations and often use their personal account for business which is very wrong. 

Businesses that are unable to manage their cash flow may not be able to access funds or attract investor and make investment when the need arises. Most entrepreneurs are not aware that they need to acquire financial management skills that would help them overcome risks. Some development financing institution in most country emphasis that business manager seeking funding should acquire training from its accredited entrepreneurship development centres to equip themselves with requisite for good financial management.

What is cash flow management

Cash flow is the revenue or expense stream that changes a cash account over a given period of time. Cash flow usually arise from one of three activities which are financing, operations or investing. Although this can occur as a result of donations or gifts made in the form of personal finance. It is important for business manager to track their revenue and income streams weekly, monthly or yearly. A positive cash flow can arise when accrued revenue from sales and accounts receivable exceeds the cash outflow from accounts payable, overhead expenses, salaries, taxes thereby leaving a wide profit margin. On the other hand, negative cash flow ensue when the cash inflow is lower than negative outflow and in a well-managed cash flow account will show the signs of declining profit before it is too late to remedy.

Essentials of financial management

A fair understanding of accounting, bookkeeping and finance can help change the fortune of your business. Every business owner must have at the click of an eyes his company key financial data such as values of receivable, current inventory level, monthly revenue, monthly profitability and business asset and balance sheet. If you are a business and can not provide these data about your company in minutes then you have a very serious work to do. If you decide to employ an accountant or outsource the finance function, it is still important for you as business owner to have a fair knowledge of finance. It will really help you. 

You must find way to earn more

Earning more as well as reducing overhead cost can make business transactions easier as long as the delivery is satisfactory, money will keep flowing in and the hearts of more clients will be won. To achieve this, you need to strategize on other possible ways of raking more income. Taking time to think critically on how to leverage the existing clients base offer other service can also prove valuable. Spending more time to develop a new product or service in line with the present business and the launching them will also prove more profitable.

Manage your company debt effectively

Starting a business with a loan or funds from venture capitalist has been discouraged by business consultants the plan of most entrepreneurs is to start big and this prompts them to seek funds with attendant interest without having an understanding of the business structure or terrain and the risk associated with it. Businesses that have to purchase expensive capital equipment or make commercial mortgage payment should have equity stake and then seek long term loan with single digit interest rates. Before committing to a loan examine the ability of your business to repay the loan and the interest on it within the stated number of months or years. Assess your debts on a regular basis. Look at repayment costs and see whether you need to reduce or increase your debt funding.

Get your pricing right

Companies that experiencing cash flow management problems may have to under-priced their products and services to satisfy their customers. Increasing your price may lower your sales volume slightly but will enable the business manager to make up for decreased volume with higher profit margin. Lowering your price can as well increase profits because the level of patronages will increase significantly. Market response to higher prices should be tested by changing price in the targeted area. You should also consider price review on an annual basis. 

Starting Out In The Equity Market

Investing in the stock market is a great way to plan for your long-term goals. Trading in stocks is a good long term investment but you must first understand how to invest to avoid losing your hard earned money. When it comes to investing, experts often mention stock’s as an option. Unfortunately, for many people the idea of investing in stocks is like an attempt to become a professor of mathematics and they don’t think they can comprehend it. Although the process is pretty straightforward and with the right approach, tale of success and not woes will be the outcome.

The option of investing in stocks is often put on the table because not only can it be profitable but it is easy. If you are ready to invest in stocks, it is important to understand the basic of how stock market works for you to maximize the profit. One of the thing you need to understand as an individual before investing in stocks is to save enough money. Without money to spare, there will be nothing to invest. Experts stress that it is important for people to ensure that they have built up some form of savings and have stable sources of income before they start investing in stocks. This is because investment in the capital market is best viewed from a long term perspective and not as a short term or get rich quick perspective. It will be unwise for anyone to invest in stocks with the intention of pulling out the investment after just a month or few.

Get enough information

Information is important, there are many people who have invested in stocks without having a clue on what the stock market is all about and what risk they must take to achieve success. They don’t have any prior knowledge to stock market terminology and when they get information which ordinarily should be very useful to them they can’t make sense of it and sometimes they don’t even bother to seek clarification from the professionals.

Understand the investment purpose

The first you need to do when investing in stock market is to think about why you decide to investing. Some want something that will generate an average dividend for them on constant basis. They are some people who actually invest for the future. After you might have decide why you choose to invest, it is important to determine if there are sectors in which you have preferences. 

Get a professional help

A professional help is vital when investing in stock market, while the process of investing may be simple, there are technical aspects that an investor may not understand and need not be bothered with. This is where the professional comes in. you need to invest with someone that can properly guide you through the process.

The process of investing

Once you have decided the purpose for the investment, what sector you want to invest in and save money for the investment, you need to approach the stock broking firm. The firm will then guide through and open a stockbroking account for you and an account with the Central Security Clearing System. When that account is opened, just like a normal banking account, you will need to make a deposit with the stockbroking firm and then you agree with them on what to buy. When all that is in place, they go ahead and buy shares for you and after about three or four days, the stocks would have reflected in your account after which you will get a CSCS statement and also the contract note for the transaction. Whenever you want to buy again, all you need to do is to deposit the amount you want to use to buy stocks and then you specific the stock you want for them; if you don’t want them to make a choice for you.

Diversify your portfolio

This is to help the investor reduce the risk, to diversify your portfolio, it is important to note the preference you have for a particular sector. If there is no preference for a particular sector, it is always better to diversify the sectors. This doesn’t mean buying the shares of different companies. You don’t just buy the shares of different banks and think you have diversify your portfolio. You need to look into each of the sectors and pick the best from those sector at least you can still remain afloat as you have reduced your risk. As much as you are buying into established companies, there are those that are just coming up and you can also put your money there but make sure to make right decisions first.